God has blessed the Wesley with an incredible group of student leaders this year! Each semester, students are given the opportunity to be a part of the Wesley’s Servant Team. This year’s Servant Team has been used by God in so many ways already. As Julia and I have had the opportunity to serve alongside these students, we have been so blessed by their desire to see their peers know Jesus. Each meeting we have and at every event, their actions reflect their love for the Lord and their love for their peers.
Servant Team Retreat
August of 2021
Students Left to Right: Hannah Smith (Isola, MS), Macon Davis (Greenwood, MS), Allen Nye (Cleveland, MS), Taylor Milam (Indianola, MS), Noah Harmon (Water Valley, MS), Darron Davis - Associate Director (Greenwood, MS), Kori Golloway (Pontotoc, MS)
Not Pictured: Brandon Buxton (Vicksburg, MS), Cayce Smith (Saltillo, MS), Heather Keel (Pearl, MS), Ian Mcmahen (Water Valley, MS)
One trait that stands out in this group is their selflessness in service. I’m reminded of Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 3 where he confronted Christians about their disputes over who they followed. Some of them claimed to follow Paul, and others claimed to follow Apollos, another missionary in Corinth at that time. Paul’s response to these disputes is one of humility.
“What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? They are servants through whom you believed, as the Lord has assigned to each his role. I planted the seed and Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. He who plants and he who waters are one in purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.” - 1 Corinthians 3:5-9
Paul’s message here is that we all have a part to play in God’s plan. This is a message that our Servant Team lives by. There is no conflict of interests among this group! They are not concerned with who does what or who gets credit for it. They are only concerned with one thing - seeing the name of Jesus lifted up on their campus. Their desire is to simply play their role or do their part in sharing the love and message of Jesus with the students here at Delta State.
Darron Davis, Associate Director