Finally Fall!

I feel like the Sheets family is finally settling in here in Cleveland--We love it!  I especially love that it is cooling off and it is a little bit breezy.  God has blessed us so much in coming to Cleveland--we love our jobs and the churches and the community and our little cul-de-sac where our kids ride bikes.

I am so grateful that God brought us to this community where college students are a priority.  College is one of the most pivotal times in life because decisions will be made that will drastically affect people's futures. 

The Lord is doing awesome things at Delta State and at the Wesley Foundation.  I love that our Wesley is multi-cultural with different races and countries represented.  Praise God--this is what the Kingdom of Heaven will look like!

Pray for our students that we would grow in community with Christ and each other.  Pray that the Wesley would be a place where students feel welcome and that life change can happen.

Thank you for all the ways you support us!