My Experience at Wesley this Year! By, Sarah Mumme

Wow! All I can say is wow! The Wesley has completely blown me away this semester. From the speakers to the worship music to the people who attend, everything has been amazing! There are so many new faces that I am eager to get to know😊.

            This year, I have the opportunity to serve as one of the two Delta State interns. For me, and probably for you too, this semester has been difficult to say the least. I have been pushed, tried, frustrated, stressed, hurt, confused, and the list can keep going. I get angry at myself for letting all these emotions pile up, which ends up just making me more stressed, frustrated, tired, etc. I’m sure you know the feeling! This brings out all the parts of myself that I hate (I will spare you the details of that, but if you want to know more about it up, let me know!). But, I can honestly say without a doubt in my mind that God has not abandoned me despite my unworthiness. He has never failed to remind me that He is there. I would even expect to feel lonely, unwanted, and rejected by Him, but thankfully, He has not let me fall into that trap. He has been so faithful to me in every situation. And I have been so undeserving. He has convicted me when I needed to be convicted, gave me rest when I desperately needed it, and showed me mercy when I least deserved it. I can’t get over the love that God has for me and for you.

One of the ways God has showed His faithfulness and love to me is through the people He has brought into my life. These people pray for me, encourage me, and support me in everything I do. It just happens that I have found these people at a Wesley Foundation at a small college in the middle of the Mississippi Delta. My friends, even though slightly insane, have so much love for the Lord and for people! I seriously have no idea where I would be without them!! I have truly been blessed. So, I want to invite you to Wesley. I want you to find the same thing I found, friends that completely accept you, make you laugh until your stomach hurts, and, most importantly, help you grow in your relationship with the Lord. God is definitely working at the Wesley Foundation, and I would love to see you be a part of it!