I have the best job in the world. I am so thankful to the Lord that I get to get out of bed everyday and go serve at the DSU Wesley. I was so scared to start over and move to a brand new town, but Cleveland has become my family's home, and I love it.
I have the best job in the world because of my students. I love that my students come from every race and background and even from other nations. There is nothing more beautiful than our worship service on Wednesday nights where you see such diversity of students worshipping Jesus Christ together. I love planning parties for them and discipling and mentoring them one-on-one. I love our trips, church visits, and meals. My students are incredible!
I have the best job in the world because of the DSU Wesley Foundation Board of Directors. They are an amazing group of pastors and lay people who gather together to make wise decisions for our students, house, and program. They work tirelessly to raise money and encourage me on this journey.
I have the best job in the world because of our donors. It is amazing to me that there are so many adults in the Delta who are willing to sacrifice their time and their money to love and serve our students. They give through their prayers, their finances, their items for our yard sales, their service, and especially their delicious food! I am so blessed by the ways they love and serve our students.
Jesus is so good to me. I love watching my students grow in Him and getting to play a part in their faith journeys. I truly am blessed to have the best job in the world